
I’m Bethany.

A creative, data-driven, marketing & advertising expert.

You name it - let’s make it happen.

How Can We Work Together?

Website Development

A website is like a first date. It needs to be intriguing, nice to look at, and leave people wanting more.

Bethany has developed essential skills to help her clients execute user-friendly, efficient, and beautiful websites. Her eye for design, user-experience, and writing make her the ultimate consultant to lead your vision to success through this essential business tool.

Advertising & Marketing Strategy

Jef I. Richards said “Creative without strategy is called ‘art.’ Creative with strategy is called ‘advertising.”

The advertising world can seem scary to most. However, Bethany has found herself in many situations where she’s cultivated an advertising strategy, from the ground up. Digital, print, or a massive billboard. Bethany can help you develop a winning campaign with any budget.

Project Management

Have a large, overwhelming project you need assistance with?

Whether it’s 3 years, 6 months, or 4 weeks away, Bethany is here to oversee progress - start to finish. From new Med Spa build-outs, to integrating a new software - She’ll help you collect data, analyze your results, and develop a plan. The opportunities are endless.

& So Much More.

Let’s do this.